I’m a Prefinal year UG student at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur majoring in Computer Science and Engineering, broadly interested in the areas of Deep Learning and its applications. I have explored the fields of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing wherein I was fascinated by Deep Generative Models, Recommender systems, Variational Autoencoders and the advancement in Object detection using Deep Learning methods. I had some exposure to Probabilistic Machine Learning in Summer 2019, learning about Bayesian regression methods, applications of Variational Inference and MCMC algorithms and I am interested in learning more about them. I have been working on video generation and prediction using Stochastic and adversarial ways. I am also studying more about multi-domain translational GANs,cool generative architectures(like StyleGAN), Mask R-CNNs, VQ-VAEs and text-generative network architectures.I also had some exposure in Reinforcement learning where I studied Monte-Carlo learning,Temporal learning and Q-learning and trained 2 Atari games using Deep-Q learning and A3C methods.
Currently, I am working as a Research Assisstant(work from home) under Prof. Yogesh Rawat in Computer Vision Lab of University of Central Florida on the topic of Conditional Video synthesis.I am also part of a Probabilistic Machine Learning reading group of Prof. Piyush Rai where we weekly discuss few of the latest research papers on Probabilistic Machine learning.
BTech in Computer Science and Engineering, 2018-Present
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
Working on making new adversarial ways for video generation and prediction. Exploring topics such as StyleGANs, NLP-GANs, MoCoGANs, SeqGANs, VQ-VAEs and Mask-RCNNs and implementing them .
Deep-dived and implemented Batch and Online EM methods,Blackbox VI, Reparamaterization trick in Variational Inference, Stochastic VI and Recommender systems using Bayesian Matrix factorization.
Studied Convolutional nueral networks and Generative adversarial networks in-depth . Implemented and played with DCGAN, class conditioned GANs like ACGAN,CGAN,InfoGAN and Style Transfer GANs like DiscoGAN, CycleGAN and StarGAN . Implemented dataloader and progress bar feature in TorchGAN(research framework to train GANs) and tried implementing a YAML parser to train GANs automatically .
Studied RL through David Silver's lectures and solved Dennybritz's excercises . Implemented DQN and A3C algorithms in Pong and Breakout using Pytorch and OpenAI gym.
Deep-dived into functional programming and made a Scrabble Solver in Haskell ( A Two Player version and a PlayWIthComputer version) which used Lexicograhical Search, Regex-type functions(wriiten from scratch) and Quick Sort as the major algorithms
Made a voting app(for Microsoft Codefundo competition 2019) which used private blockchains(using Microsoft Azure blockchain services) for security.
Worked with Rotary club as a Data science team member to make a framework for resource allocation to eradicate Polio if it reoccurs. Can be geralized to other epidemics...